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The IT system has been developed

Zala Termálvölgye Egyesület (LAG) has developed IT system within Agrishort project. The IT system is an Android mobile application and a related online interface, the website. The IT system is ensuring information about "Open Farm SFSC group", the SFSC members, their services and products. The SFSC members are able to use the IT system to send offers to customers (push messages/notifications). The IT system is also helps the customers/guests to plan a route to SFSC members in order to get the product/service directly from the farm (with Google maps module).
The IT system also contain other features that necessary for the SFSC group’s success (providing "open day" dates, events etc.). The IT system was specifically designed to support the SFSC established by LAG in Zala County, but it has features which support the SFSC established by LBDCA in Somogy County, the "Balatoni Gazdapiac".

You can access the IT system at the following LINK.